The hip fracture

Hip fractures every year in the UK


of the elderly die within the year which follows a hip fracture


will never recover their previous autonomy

£ are spent the first year for post hip fracture treatment


Definition: During an impact, as a result of a fall, the upper end of the femur is fractured. Usually the fracture occurs in the femoral neck or trochanter.

Treatment: In most cases, patients who suffer from a hip fracture are operated as soon as possible and the fractured bone is replaced with a prosthesis.

Convalescence: Rehabilitation must be carried out quickly after the operation, for a period of 3 months to 1 year. The patient must regain mobility as soon as possible for a better recovery.

Affected people: The majority of hip fractures concerns the elderly, especially women (75%) because of osteoporosis, which makes their bones more fragile.

 Existing solutions are inefficient

A meta-analysis of 11 clinical studies showed that standard protections with
hard or foam shells have an uncertain or non-existent effectiveness.

effectiveness of airbag protection


Researchers at Virginia Tech compared the reduction in the force of the impact of a fall between airbag hip protectors and conventional hip protectors.


Only the airbag protections kept the force of the impact BELOW THE RECOGNISED HIP FRACTURE THRESHOLD*, reducing the impact by 85%**.

*Robinovitch, Stephen & Hayes, Wilson & McMahon, T.A.. (1991). Prediction of Femoral Impact Forces in Falls on the Hip. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 113. 366-74. 10.1115/1.2895414. 

**Virginia Tech – Development of an inflatable hip protection system: design for hip fracture prevention and increased compliance (2006)